Visitors to public often suffer due to lack of facilities. We have tried to provide you every thing which you might need on a recreational trip with your family. The conveniences include:-
Landscaped gardens, separate clean toilets, for men and women, separate prayer places for men and women, clean drinking water, fresh and cool air to people sitting in lawns through humidfiers, first aid, public address system, lost and found service, information booth, several shaded picnic spots, uniformed security equipped with the lates radio system, telephone and single in two languages, Tuck Shop , Gift shop.
We have foodn and veverages outlets like Safari Cafe Bar B Q a typicla village food outlet serving Sagg Maki ki Roti and Lassi and cold drink corner. Yu can enjoy your evening in the back ground of melodious music or watchpupular songs, the latest sports events and documentary films on big screen . We have spacious lake side party lawns for all types of party functions including marriage vailma and Mehndi receptions having furnished bridal room with attached bath room, toilets, stage and lighting arrangements with back up generator support.

I try myself to gather all facilites which is provided by our Managment which i show their pictures, I must mentioned the name of Director Jungle World Col Tayyab, which struggle day and night and make and facilitate this recreational facilites for general public.